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Table 6 Distribution of IQ degree and speech unintelligibility

From: Cognitive functions in Arabic-speaking children with velopharyngeal insufficiency and their impact on speech intelligibility

Speech unintelligibilitya


IQ mean ± SD

Normal N (%)

6 (12%)

86.19 ± 8.89

Slight N (%)

22 (44%)

74.45 ± 11.45

Mild N (%)

10 (20%)

73.57 ± 8.65

Moderate N (%)

11 (22%)

67.10 ± 9.54




  1. Data expressed as mean (SD). p-value was significant if < 0.05
  2. IQ intelligence quotient
  3. aSevere grade was not included where only one patient had severe unintelligibility. Test of significance: ANOVA test