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Current microbiological pattern and role of respiratory syncytial virus infection in children with acute otitis media in South Jeddah



Otitis media is one of the most commonly encountered pediatric ENT diseases. Antibiotic resistance is increasing partly because of their overuse and largely because of changing microbiological strains leading to the disease. In this study, we aimed to determine the current microbiological pattern of the disease in children.

Participants and methods

Ear discharges of 200 children with acute otitis media between 6 and 14 years of age were microbiologically examined.


Virus-only infection was positive in 13% of patients, 30% were only bacterial (48% of which is Proteus mirabilis), and 57% had combined viral and bacterial infections.


Changing trends in microbiological patterns warrant further researches to achieve better prevention and treatment.


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Mohamed, S.K., Hassan, H.G. Current microbiological pattern and role of respiratory syncytial virus infection in children with acute otitis media in South Jeddah. Egypt J Otolaryngol 33, 623–625 (2017).

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