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Table 4 History of frequency of acute attacks of tonsillitis per year

From: Detection of Helicobacter pylori using Giemsa staining in chronic tonsillitis patients: cross-sectional study

Acute attack frequency of tonsillitis per year

Positive H. pylori (n = 40)

Negative H. pylori (n = 60)


1–2 times

1 (2.5%)

28 (46.7%)


3–4 times

8 (20%)

17 (28.3%)

4–6 times

12 (30%)

9 (15%)

> 6 times

19 (47.5%)

6 (10%)

  1. This table shows that the number of acute attacks of tonsillitis per year was significantly more frequent in patients with positive H. pylori compared to negative ones