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Table 1 Criteria for the Subcategories for patients who presented at the outpatient Otolaryngology department

From: The impact of COVID-19 in the attendance of patients to the otolaryngology clinic: a retrospective review


Inclusion criteria

General subgroup

Patients who presented with a common ailment in Otolaryngology including: rhinitis, acute sinusitis, impacted cerumen, upper respiratory symptoms, infection of the ear canal, and abscess

Pediatrics subgroup

Patients under the age of 18 years of age

Otology subgroup

Patients who presented with hearing loss, dizziness, and other diseases such as: tympanic membrane perforation, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), and Meniere’s disease

Rhinology subgroup

Chronic sinusitis, nasal polyposis, nasal mass

Laryngology subgroup

Patients with hoarseness, laryngeal mass, and diseases such as but not limited to: vocal cord paralysis, laryngopharyngeal reflux, laryngitis, dysphagia and vocal cord dysfunction

Head and Neck subgroup

Previous diagnosis of malignancy or unknown neck mass