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Table 2 The conventional therapy items

From: Post-stroke aphasia rehabilitation using computer-based Arabic software program: a randomized controlled trial

▪ Training materials for the improvement of receptive language

▪ One word level (picture recognition, yes or no questions, choosing the correct answer)

▪ Two-word level (yes or no questions, orders, choosing the correct tool or picture)

▪ Three-word level (orders using body parts, pictures, and real objects—pointing to the pictures in the same order as mentioned—yes or no questions)

▪ More than three-word level (orders using body parts or visual stimuli or time relationship—yes or no questions)

▪ Training materials for the improvement of expressive language

▪ One-word level (repetition of monosyllabic then multisyllabic words—completing the sentences with nouns or verbs with or without visual aids—answering questions with or without visual or auditory aids for practicing different semantic categories)

▪ Two- or three-word level (mention objects that belong to each semantic group—answering questions about object function—answering questions with or without auditory aids—completing sentences)

▪ Training materials for the improvement of reading and writing

▪ Reading words then arranging words to make a sentence.

▪ Writing words.

▪ Writing the meaning of these words.

▪ Writing the opposite of these words.

▪ Writing the missing word to complete these sentences.

▪ Choosing the correct answer.

▪ Arranging phrases to make a story.

▪ Answering questions.